Products - Industry


  • Castor sugar 1000/1200 kg big sacks
    Castor sugar 25/50 kg sacks EC Cat. II
    Castor sugar 25/50 kg sacks EC Cat. I
    • Castor sugar 1000/1200 kg big sacks

      Castor sugar 25/50 kg sacks

      EC Cat. II castor sugar available in:
      - 1200 - 1000 kg big sacks
      - 25/50 kg sacks
      EC Cat. I castor sugar available in:
      - 25/50 kg sacks
  • Raw cane sugar 25 kg sacks
    • Raw cane sugar 25 kg sacks

      Brown raw cane sugar available in large sacks of 1000 kg in weight and 25 kg sacks
  • White cane sugar 20/50 kg sacks
    • White refined cane sugar available in 20/50 kg sacks
  • White cane sugar 1 kg transparent bag in 12 kg box
    • White cane sugar 1 kg transparent bag

      White cane sugar 1 kg box of 12 kg
      Designed for professional use (for cocktails, hot and cold drinks)
  • Icing sugar 1 kg bag in 10 kg box
    Icing sugar 5 kg bag in 20 kg box
    Vanilla flavoured icing sugar 5 kg bag in 20 kg box
    Water-repellent icing sugar 10 kg sack
    Icing sugar 10/20/25 kg
    • Icing sugar 1 kg box of 10 kg

      Icing sugar available in the following sizes :
      1 kg in 10 kg box
      5 kg in 20 kg box
      10/20/25 kg bag
      Vanilla flavoured sugar in 20 kg boxes
      Water-repellent sugar in 10 kg sacks
  • Medium/large grain granulated sugar 10 kg box
    Invert sugar 25 kg bucket
    Pure liquid cane sugar 15 kg bucket
    Glucose syrup 15 kg bucket
    Dextrose 25 kg sacks
    Anhydrous glucose 25 kg sacks
    Maltodextrin 25 kg sacks
    Almond paste 5 kg box
    Gelatine 15 kg bucket
    • ZMedium/large grain granulated sugar 10 kg box

      “Special products” designed for Specialties for confectioner’s shops, ice-cream shops, industry and retail
  • Fructose 25 kg sacks
    • Fructose 25 kg sacks

      Crystalline fructose, available in 25 kg sacks
  • Trehalose 25 kg sacks
    • “Special product” for ice-cream shops
  • Inulin 20 kg sacks
    • Inulin 20 kg sacks

      “Special product” for ice-cream shops
  • Other specialties for ice-cream shops and confectioner’s shops are available on request

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Scarbolo Zuccheri s.r.l.
Sede sociale, amministrazione e magazzino ricevimento merce: Via del Torre 48 – 33047 Remanzacco (UD)
Cap. Soc. € 117.000 i.v. R.E.A. UD 183199 C.F. e P.IVA 01592790305
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